Middle East

Trump Shows Two Different Negotiating Styles on Trip Overseas

from The Wall Street Journal,

President strikes conciliatory tone in Middle East, voices harder line in Europe.

In his official debut on the world stage, President Donald Trump showcased two dramatically different negotiating styles, one that awakened optimism among Middle Eastern leaders and one that left some U.S. allies in Europe slack-jawed. In Saudi Arabia, Israel and the West Bank, Mr. Trump took a conciliatory approach. He studiously avoided raising issues such as human rights that might have upset his hosts. He showered Arab and Israeli leaders with praise, weapons and personal attention, and even joined a sword dance to prod an ally toward his policy goals. But in Belgium and Italy for gatherings with European leaders, Mr. Trump took a harsher tone. He excoriated European leaders on defense policies, trade, and immigration, employed an occasionally brusque social demeanor—literally pushing his way past one counterpart—and withheld a public commitment to Europe’s security that he knew his hosts wanted to hear.

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