Culture War – Bathrooms. What is this all about?

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from The Gray Area:

We apparently have nothing better in this country to debate other than bathrooms.

Not the economy. Not ISIS and Islamic extremism. Not Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Not increased violence in our cities. No. We must publicly, ad nauseam, debate who goes into men’s and women’s bathrooms.

So we divide up sides and debate this issue emotionally, without the facts and demonize each other. Political business as usual

Let’s review this ‘bathroom debate’ by starting with the facts. Charlotte NC introduced a city ordinance in 2015 that extended LGBT anti-discrimination protections which required all business and education groups to comply. The Charlotte law included bathrooms. The State of NC clarified bathrooms would be designated for men & women. However, localities can provide accommodations. The State of NC was trying to handle this issue for itself.

Saying this is about fairness and discrimination the left went crazy! Left wing media, MSNBC, The New York Times, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, et al, began describing NC as backward and full of bigots. The ACLU sued. The Justice Dept., invoking Title 9 sex discrimination (1964), went after NC. Using Title 9, the government, President Obama, is attempting to redefine sex to be gender identity. What does gender identity mean? By some counts there are up to 60 different gender definitions.

President Obama on Friday sent a letter, Education mandate, that every school must comply with nationwide. This included bathrooms, locker and shower rooms and said any accommodation would be discriminatory.

The problems here are many:
1. Re-defining sex. Sex is no longer natural, male and female, but whatever a person decides, which is changeable. This is the height of absurdity and very dangerous.
2. This is the tip of the iceberg. The President’s education mandate letter expands the definition of bathroom to not only include bathrooms, but locker and shower rooms. By this definition, in the near future this will also include dorm rooms and hotel rooms. Imagine your college age daughter sharing a dorm room with some one who is physically male, but self identifies as a woman. And, this is government mandated!
3. Legislate by writing letters. Government overreach and bullying. Letters have no legal standing. We are not a country ruled by executive fiat. One President dictates and another reverses the dictate. Socialist, communist, tyrannical, banana republics operate this way. In the United States, individuals don’t interpret laws for convenience. We follows laws our representatives institute for us as a well ordered society.
4. Local, common sense solutions that fit best for everyone are being ignored or attacked. One size fits all policies simply do not work. In cities like Minneapolis, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, New York and a few others, a local ordinance that works to represent a critical mass of its citizens would certainly make sense. In Columbia, Tennessee, Tyler, Texas, Elkhart, Indiana, Davenport, Iowa and others, such an ordinance is of no positive use.
5. Negative impact on women. Predators and perverts will use these laws to their deviant purposes. Women who have been abused have said they have flashbacks when they see male genitalia and men in certain protected environments.
6. What is this really about then? Politics. The left will always push an issue for a broader political purpose. In every case, as in this one, it is for more government control over our lives. The issue is not important and does not have to make sense if they can use it to further their political ideology. In the words of far left ideologues, “the issue is not the issue”, the political objective is the issue.

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