200 Counties sued by ACRU for voter irregularities

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from American Civil Rights Union,

The American Civil Rights Union (ACRU) has filled the first in a series of lawsuits in federal court to force these counties to clean up their voter registration rolls.

In the 2012 Elections, according to the Election Protections Coalition, American voters reported more than 70,000 voting problems on Election Day. Here are a few:

• In Marion, Ohio, a voter said it took her three tries before the machine would accept her choice to vote for Romney.

• In Pennsylvania, a poll watcher claimed that about 5-10% of the votes were being switched from Romney to Obama by the voting machines.

• In Philadelphia, 59 voting divisions produced not one vote for Romney, but 19,605 for Obama. This is statistically impossible!

• In Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Obama received 99% of the vote in more than 100 precincts. There were many precinct in which Romney received zero votes.

• In Virginia, a poll watcher reported that blatant voter fraud was rampant including, Obama voters bused in, could not speak English, could not identify the address on their ID card and were voting more than once.

• In Florida, the FBI is investigating a series of letters sent to citizens in at least 23 Republican leaning counties advising them that they may be ineligible to vote.

As reported in The Blaze, a federal court decree is ordering a Mississippi county to purge its voter rolls of dead people, ineligible felons and people who have moved out of a voting area.

In April, the American Civil Rights Union, a conservative legal group, sued Walthall County, Miss., for having 124 percent more registered voters than voting-age-eligible residents, based on U.S. Census data. The lawsuit was filed under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, better known as the Motor Voter law, and is the first privately-brought suit to succeed, according to the ACRU.

This case should have been called United States v. Walthall County instead of ACRU v. Walthall County,” said J. Christian Adams, a former Justice Department voting section attorney.

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