White Women Become New Enemy of the Left

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from Rush Limbaugh,

RUSH: First story from Breitbart.com: “Leftists Blame White Women for Red State Midterm Losses.” I know you’re saying, “But wait a minute. They won the House.” Yeah, but they didn’t win… There wasn’t a blue wave.

“Leftists on Wednesday blamed ‘white women’ for high-profile Democrat midterm losses, despite those candidates running in red states. Egyptian-American journalist Mona Eltahawy tweeted Wednesday, ‘White women: footsoldiers [sic] of the patriarchy,’ along with what percentage of white women had voted for” Brian Kemp, Ted Cruz, and Ron DeSantis.” You white women that voted for white guys instead of voting for African-Americans? You are now the official enemy.

“According to the results, 76% of white women in Georgia voted for Kemp,” not for Stacey Abrams. Most white women are nowhere near as radicalized as Stacey Abrams is. Ms. Abrams, can I help? (sigh) You’re not gonna win very many mainstream voters, period, when your posters feature New Black Panthers in full-fledged military garb with AR-15s slung over their shoulders! It’s just not a welcoming message, and “white women” don’t want to be… Anybody! What kind of come-on is that?

So “76% of white women in Georgia voted for Kemp, versus 24% for Democrat candidate Stacey Abrams.” In Texas, 59% of white women voted for Cruz versus 39% for [R. Francis] O’Rourke. In Florida, it was much tighter, with 51% voting for DeSantis, and 49% voting for his opponent Andrew Gillum. In contrast, an overwhelming majority of black men and women voted for Abrams, O’Rourke, and Gillum. Abrams and Gillum are black, while O’Rourke is white,” but trending black.

“There was, however, no mention that Georgia, Texas, and Florida are red states that overwhelmingly voted Republican in the 2016 presidential race. There was also no mention that Cruz is actually Latino.” So the “Egyptian-American journalist Mona Eltahawy … tweeted that white women were voting GOP ‘against their own interests’ and allying ‘with white supremacist patriarchy,’” and by the way, this is not just verbiage.

This is actually what this woman believes: The “white supremacist patriarchy.” This is what kids are being taught in college right along with white privilege and how evil it is and the white supremacist or white Christian patriarchy, and women who vote that way are voting against their own interests and other women.

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