Ignorant Democrats Don’t Understand the Constitution

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from Rush Limbaugh,

RUSH: I think this story here is really, really zeroing in on what the left is really, really thinking about here. And they would be thinking about this regardless the outcome of the election. But this election particularly, it has refocused them, and it’s coming from the media. It’s coming from an NBC reporter. And I’m telling you the media today, there’s no difference in them and left-wing political strategists and hacks, activists, you name it.

They aren’t really journalists, as that whole press conference yesterday indicated. “NBC News intelligence and national security reporter Ken Dilanian is … openly wondering ‘how much longer the American majority will tolerate being pushed around by a rural minority.’” Now, this all got kicked off by a tweet from somebody. And the tweet was this: “Senate popular vote, Democrats 40 million, 500-some-odd-thousand, which is 55%.

“Republicans, 31.5 million…” So we’re looking here at the Democrats in this way of looking at things with basically a nine or eight million more votes advantage. Let me start again, since it’s a lot of numbers and it’s confusing. Here’s the tweet. Democrats (I’m gonna round the numbers) 40 million votes for 55. Republicans, 31 million votes for 43% — and yet the Republicans pick up three seats in the Senate?

Now, this is a great illustration of how pathetic the education about our country is, how literally pathetic the education about our Constitution is. I’m telling you, it is a flashpoint. And it is a danger. We have people in the media who do not know history. They have not been told the truth about various historical things, and they certainly have not been taught the Constitution. They have not been taught the founding documents.

They have been taught to hate it. They’ve been taught to question it. They have been taught that the Constitution is deficient because it limits government too much and only government should have power because government is benevolent, government’s good, government’s this or that. They haven’t the slightest idea the basis on which this country was founded. They haven’t been told! They are totally ill-educated. They’ve been lied to. They have been propagandized by a leftist faculty.

The Senate was specifically designed… The Founding Fathers designed gridlock. The Founding Fathers were highly suspicious of government because they understood human nature. And they understood the human quest for power. They were fleeing what they thought were the worst aspects of the human quest for power. They were fleeing a monarch. They were fleeing a tyrannical king in Britain. They founded something completely opposite.

They founded a government — for the first time in the history of humanity — that limited the government’s reach and power over citizens. There isn’t a document like it in the world.

This is basic. And none of this is taught. Instead we have people like Maude Behar on The View, which is watched by millions of women in this country, who are being lied to and misinformed in their own right by watching that stupid show, who is explaining the reason the Democrats lost the Senate is because of Republican gerrymandering.

By the way, the correct pronunciation is gerrymandering. It’s named after a guy named Gerry, G-e-r-r-y, who first started manipulating this. Anyway, there is in gerrymandering in the states. In the Senate it’s not possible; it’s not necessary. Because every states gets two of them. There are no districts in the states for senators! Both senators represent the whole state.

Maude Behar is clueless! And everybody else on her panel went, “Yay,” because it sounded good. It was embarrassingly stupid!

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