It’s Undeniable! The Left Targets White Men

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from Rush Limbaugh,

RUSH: Over the course of many recent months, I have made the point that one of the objectives of the modern American left is to transform America away from its intentions and its designs as founded. And in many ways, this was one of the agenda objectives of the Obama administration, although to do it in a stealth way. Obama couldn’t come out and say it beyond that his policies were “transformative.” He couldn’t define what that meant. There would have been a revolt — and he wouldn’t have been elected if he’d been honest about what transforming America meant.

… what they really want to do is transform America away from our unique founding, convert it to a socialist democracy.

Some of the radicals even want to go further and have this country become totally communist. In fact, there’s a poll out here today. This is from The Daily Caller. The poll is BuzzFeed news: “31% of Millennials identify as Democratic socialists, according to a study”

Well, hello, modern era feminism, which has had as one of its targets the demasculinization of men. And they’ve been very open and honest about that. They’ve even conjured up terms for it: “toxic masculinity,” “dangerous masculinity.” They are doing their best to erase natural male characteristics from as many young guys as they can, and since guys want to pal around with women within whatever women want is what men end up doing, on balance.

I’m not just targeting capitalism. They’re targeting the concepts of individual liberty and freedom and targeting the concept that government is the institution that needs to be limited most in a representative republic. The de-emphasis of government, the getting government out of people’s lives. It’s just the exact opposite with communists and socialists. So I have an evidence piece here. Not just flapping my gums.

There’s a New Yorker story by Michael Lista, a guy, published yesterday. “The Tears of Brett Kavanaugh” is its title. It is a horrible piece, and it does exactly that which I have been warning people. It goes all the way back to the founding of America to trash “white men.” Oh, that reminds me. Hang on here. You need to grab an audio sound bite here. It’s (muttering) 6 and 7. Pull quote: “Kavanaugh has no avenue of appeal, though, except his own hurt feelings. He is in touch with them, as he was taught to be.

“And so he’s seemingly weaponized crying, the way a little boy does when he’s in trouble.” Another pull quote: “But Kavanaugh’s performance last Thursday was something entirely different, distinctly contemporary. It combined the postwar attitude that men should be in touch with their feelings, to the point that they may cry, with the intrinsic American ideal of white male privilege.

“Because Kavanaugh is accused of sexual assault, and may be denied the career elevation that he has long plotted, he blubbered like a newborn.” He has “plotted” his career, you see? He hasn’t had a series of goals and achieved them. Oh, no! The guy is a dangerous schemer. He has “plotted” to get on the Supreme Court, where he can rule against minorities and women and Latinos and Hispanics and gays and lesbians and transgenders, don’t you know?

Do not minimize this. I’m telling you, this belief is animating the last two generations, informing the last two generations of kids going to high school and college. This is the kind of drivel that they are being taught, that America is corrupt from its founding days, that it was founded for an exclusive group of people: White men. Nobody else need apply.

Last night on CNN Tonight with Don Lemon talking about the protests against the Kavanaugh nomination and your beloved host, me…

LEMON: There’s a (pause) not-at-all subtle undercurrent to all of this. This is not just an attack on conservatives. It’s an attack on white men. Rush Limbaugh, come on down!

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