A cynics’ history of politicized sex scandals

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We are daily assured that we are living in a moment unlike any before, this time as it relates to the allegations of sexual impropriety by powerful political figures.


It hasn’t been 20 years since Washington put the country through a far more dizzying display of hypocrisy, false piety and cynical posturing.

When that one was over, the career casualties included a sitting senator and two speakers of the House, with a presidential impeachment along the way. The scalding stuff of our current moment isn’t even a flickering flame compared to the fire that burned across politics from 1989 to 1999.

There might be some debate over the triggering event for the sex-allegation warfare of the 1990s, but the failed nomination of former Texas Sen. John Tower to serve as Defense secretary in 1989 is a good place to start.

Senate Democrats shot down Tower’s nomination over his drinking and “womanizing,” which is what people called sexual harassment/assault back in the day. Tower’s response to this was essentially “Duh, I was a senator.” And then “** cough, cough** Ted Kennedy **cough, cough**”

Tower had to withdraw, and a new era of probity was supposedly upon the land. But what had really been proven was that these kinds of charges could get results, even if cynically or hypocritically rendered.

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