Listen Carefully to the Smartest Woman in the World

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from Rush Limbaugh,

Remember when Sarah Palin was reputed to have said — she never said it — but I wonder how many of you still to this day think she did. She said supposedly it was either in an interview with the perky one, Katie Couric, or with Charlie Gibson, that she could see Russia from her backyard in Alaska, and that that qualified her to be president because that meant that she was knowledgeable in foreign affairs.

She never said it. It was a Saturday Night Live joke that took on a life of its own. In fact, the last time of the three times that I have finished as one of the top Ten Most Fascinating People in the country, Barbara Walters, that show she does every December, the same year — what’s her name — Tina Fey was also one of the top 10 most fascinating. You know why? For impersonating Sarah Palin. Why wasn’t Sarah Palin one of the top 10? Why was an impersonator? That’s why she was there. I mean, Barbara Wawa said so.

We’ve got the bite. All right. So set it up. How long is it? Do you have a time on it? Sixteen seconds. So you’re gonna have to listen fast. She’s on Rachel Maddow last night, failed 2016 presidential candidate. I don’t know what the question was. It doesn’t matter. Here is what Hillary Clinton said.

HILLARY: The president has basically insulted and attacked South Korea. South Korea is literally, you know, within miles of the border with North Korea. They would be so at risk if something were done by Kim Jong-un.

RUSH: Now remember, Sarah Palin didn’t say that she could see Russia from her backyard in Alaska, and they said, “That’s dumb! That’s stupid! She’s an idiot; that’s crazy. She’s not qualified.” But she never said it. Tina Fey did. Hillary did say this. I’m still seeing some blank faces here on the other side of the glass, folks — and if I’m seeing blank faces here, I can imagine there’s still some out there. One more time, for those of you who are still not quite seeing what the big deal is here.

HILLARY: The president has basically insulted and attacked South Korea. South Korea is literally, you know, within miles of the border with North Korea. They would be so at risk if something were done by Kim Jong-un.

RUSH: All right. This is really, really… Because this woman is purportedly the Smartest Woman in the World, the Smartest Woman in America, eminently qualified to be president. The border of South Korea is not “within miles” of the border of North Korea. South Korea IS the border! North Korea and South Korea are on the same peninsula. There’s just a line drawn there on a map. There is something called a demilitarized zone. It’s a drawn boundary where there are no armaments and no military combat, conflict supposed to happen.

I’m gonna give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she’s thinking of the DMZ here, but South Korea and North Korea are the same piece of land. It’s just a line. They border each other. South Korea’s not “within miles.” South Korea is the border. North Korea is the border. Nobody corrected her. There’s nobody in the media other than me pointing this out and laughing at it and having a good time and making sure that everybody understands it.

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