Where is the Evidence of Liberal Compassion?

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from The Limbaugh Letter,

“If you go by actual deeds, liberals and leftists are the ones with empathy … Empathy and respect are…about supporting policies that make people’s lives better …”– Kathy Pollitt, The Nation, 6/9/17

“He’s looking at numbers on the page. He’s not thinking about people. This isn’t about programs … it’s poor, vulnerable people, and children. That’s who they’re hurting. They’re looking at numbers on a page but the Senate…we (Democrats) are gonna look at people…and we’re not gonna let them make these Draconian cuts.”-Sen. Tim Kaine (D, VA), reacting to White House budget, CNN, 5/24/17

Liberals’ smug self satisfaction is off the charts. All leftists everywhere consider themselves to represent the epitome of compassion. Conservatives are full of greed and hate, they say…

So why is it, ladies and gentlemen, that every are liberals control is circling the drain? Why is it that liberal rule equals unfathomable suffering for the most vulnerable?…for Democrat run locales, every day is a race to the bottom. The left owns every square inch of these crumbling Third World hellholes.

Economic Ruin

  • The Fiscal Timesranked 116 US Cities in order of fiscal strength … clustered at the bottom were deep blue run cities, among them, Chicago(#116), New York (#115), St. Louis (#112), Philadelphia (#111), Cleveland (#106) and Portland (#103).
  • Of the 15 worst states in America to make a living, ten are blue states (CT, RI, NV, NM, NY, ME, VT, HI, OR, CA)

Crushing Poverty

  • The poverty rate in the US is 13.5% while poverty in Detroit is 48.1%; … Cleveland (42.6%), Milwaukee (34.5%), Memphis (33.5%), Philadelphia (31.5%), St. Louis (30%), Baltimore (28.2%), and Chicago (27.3%).
  • Baltimore’s property taxes are twice as high as those of any other jurisdiction in Maryland … [and what] does Baltimore have to show for its gargantuan expenditures? Not much … Today, … medium household income is about 45% below Maryland’s state average, and the poverty rate nearly 70% higher than the national average.

Exploding Crime

Liberal Inequality

Education Wreck

Democrats Built That

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