Green’s Too White

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from Limbaugh Letter,

Libs have a new lib theory why the environmental movement has failed to get more Americans to jump to the global warming train.

Here it is: “environmental racism”.

Seems the left just noticed that the environmentalist wackos crowd isn’t diverse. At All. So four journalism professors, writing in Quartz, demand that “communities of color, who are disproportionately susceptible to effects of climate change”, be placed front and center in any debate. Instead, the authors complain, the green movement is “designed by and for a white, upper-middle-class demographic”.

Well, whose fault is that? The left!

The writers sneer at the green activist caricature of “a white guy in a Patagonia jacket, standing proudly next to his Prius with camping equipment loaded in the back”.

Which pretty much describes environmentalist elitists to a green T.

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