Even the leftist media can’t sit still for this one!

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from The Gray Area:

Sending political propaganda home with children to attack Donald Trump and the Republican Governor of Illinois is the latest tactic of desperate Democrats.

This one coming when Chicago Public School students were sent home Monday with a letter from CEO Forrest Claypool which stated in part; “Dear Families,” the letter begins. “Governor Bruce Rauner, just like President Trump, has decided to attack those who need the most help. Governor Rauner and President Trump regularly attack Chicago because they hope to score political points. It is shameful.” “We are writing to let you know about two of the biggest cuts that Governor Rauner has forced us to make right now … Like President Trump, Governor Rauner is targeting our most vulnerable citizens: immigrant children, racial minorities, the poor.”

Even the left came out in shock over this. An article today in the Chicago Tribune gets to the heart of the matter – a desperate CPS CEO blaming the new administrations in Springfield and Washington for years of failed policies and spending.

The following summary from that article explains it all.

What – or whom – does Chicago Public Schools CEO Forrest Claypool blame for this budget debacle?

How about the district’s many years of reckless fiscal mismanagement and chronic spending beyond its revenues? No, that’s not what angers him.

Does Claypool blame CPS’ willingness to suspend disbelief — that is, his own willingness to suspend disbelief — and depend on the kindness of Springfield to fork over $215 million in pension payments this year, against all evidence that state lawmakers locked in a budget stalemate would fulfill his daydream? Nah, just a minor miscalculation.

Maybe Claypool regrets the district’s misguided hope that teachers would cave during last year’s contract talks and gradually pick up more of the employee share of their pension contributions? Nope, only a flesh wound.

How about the reckless borrowing that the district indulges, year after year, pushing CPS so deep into debt that bankruptcy might be the only way out?

Does Claypool blame his fellow Democrats who’ve controlled the legislature since the early 2000s yet failed to fix Illinois’ school funding inequities?

You know the answers. Claypool isn’t about to make Democrats in City Hall or Springfield wear this jacket.

No, Claypool blames Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner and his “Trumpian” tactics for the districts abysmal financial condition. “Just like Trump, he’s attacking children of immigrants, he’s attacking racial minorities, attacking the poor here in Chicago,” Claypool told reporters, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. “In this case, it’s children, which is particularly shameful.”

As it twists in the wind, CPS continues to lose enrollment, continues to operate a real estate empire that is too big and too expensive, continues to hope, desperately, for a Springfield rescue — and warns yet again of grim consequences if lawmakers don’t direct more state tax dollars to Chicago.

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