Michael Brown - Ferguson
The shooting of an unarmed black man in Ferguson Missouri sourred street riots and political debate including the Attorney General and the President. The Grand Jury decision not to indict the police officer, Darren Wilson, spurred a new round of street riots looting, burning of cars and businesses.

Amazon Cancels Shelby Steele

from The Wall Street Journal,

The company won’t stream a film on the ‘real victimization of black America.’

As a documentary, “What Killed Michael Brown?” has everything going for it. Its subject is timely, about the pre-George Floyd killing of Michael Brown by a police officer that set off riots in Ferguson, Mo., in 2014. It’s written and narrated by Shelby Steele, the prominent African-American scholar at the Hoover Institution, and directed by his filmmaker son, Eli Steele. Its subject—race relations—is a major fault line in this year’s presidential election, one reason the Steeles scheduled their film for release on Oct. 16. Our columnist Jason Rileywrote about the film on Wednesday. One problem: “What Killed Michael Brown?” doesn’t fit the dominant narrative of white police officers killing young black men because of systemic racism. As a result, says the younger Mr. Steele, Amazon rejected it for its streaming service. “We were canceled, plain and simple.”

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