War on Men
Is there a "War on Men" to go along with the left's assertion that there is a "war on women"? If you look at the gender learning gap, the fact that boys are falling behind in education, the gender mess in Massachusetts, toxic masculinity, the attacks on the boy scouts, manhood, football and suicide, you would have to agree that something is going on, whether orchestrated or by accident. Follow the debate below.

Even in a simple movie review you can see what is wrong with our culture today.

from The Gray Area,

The review below of Ford v Ferrari Depicts a Generation of Car Guys That’s Best Left Behind is an example of what is wrong with our culture today.

The leftist arrogance, and possibly millennial arrogance, though I don't know the generation Hannah Elliott represents, is clearly seen in the subtitle, Carroll Shelby epitomizes the worst of the 1960s car world.

Can't see the forest for the trees. Social justice, so broadly defined that it has no meaning, can allow someone to eliminate their accomplishments. Yet, if you agree with someone, you can overlook those same social justice failures (and i don't have to list names here to make that point).

The belief that this generation has solved all the problems of the world and that those before were useless for whatever shortcoming we find abhorrent today, is an arrogance that has evolved all the way to ignorance. For every supposed pristine virtue signaled by these leftist morons today, I can give you two societal failures.

Since Ms. Elliott focused on women's roles in the 60s, today women are working more and pursuing their gifts and dreams, and that is a good thing. No one being at home with children is a bad thing and has ramifications almost unending throughout our society. The breakdown of marriage, leaving society in a state of endless drift as commitment to another person has erroneously been sold as a lesser choice is also reverberating negatively through our society.

White men, as Ms. Elliott rants on about, represented the dominate group of people in the world for millenia, of course they were highly represented in corporate, sports and all other segments of society. That has been fixed, but to what degree? Is it a problem for a white man to chase his dream in the 21st century? Is it wrong due to 'white privilege, which no white man currently alive actually has, for a white man to take a leadership role anywhere? Does the suicide rate of white men cause anyone a problem? Does the lack of white men attending college cause anyone a problem? Do men in general exhibiting the strength and commitment to solving a problem as exhibited in the Ford v Ferrari movie seem lacking today? Is competitiveness not responsible for the success of many, jobs for even more and the satisfaction that results not good for society?

I could not argue that muscle cars of the 60s do not rival civil rights as a social success. But to diminish a person's life work so callously, is an example of hate, that permeates our society under the masks of social justice and eliminating discrimination.

There were great things about the 50s & 60s and there were bad. There are good things today and there are bad. We can argue forever which is worse, then or now. If we think success is 'throwing the baby out with the bathwater', we are wrong!

A lesson in reality is needed, but unfortunately it would fall on deaf ears. No one cheering this movie review's points, would allow themselves the freedom to think deeper on an issue. Instead they would demonize and la,la,la,la, themselves, with hands over their ears, through the lesson.

See the movie! It is excellent as an entertainment piece with historical relevance. If you open your mind, and your ears, you might find that reality lesson. And, a beautiful metaphor from business applicable for today's political environment.

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