Health Care
The Left believes universal healthcare is a right. They support President Obama's passage of the Affordable Care Act (PPACA), aka ObamaCare. The middle are afraid of ObamaCare because they don't know what's in it, it means more taxation and higher federal debt, but they are equally afraid of skyrocketing healthcare costs. The Right believes that healthcare is an individual choice just like buying a home and the individual should control their personal healthcare decisions. Therefore, the Right believes PPACA (ObamaCare) is a misguided attempt at Socialism and should be repealed. The Right also believes the US cannot afford such a program when other countries are trying to relieve themselves of their previously instituted universal healthcare programs, and, under its current design more people will just opt out so it does not help access. Because ObamaCare is a federal program, costs will certainly rise in the form of both taxes to pay for it and the services it provides. The individual mandate was believed to violate the Constitution, but on June 28, 2012, SCOTUS issued an opinion which affirmed ObamaCare as a tax and as such was allowable under the Constitution. The fight now returns to the political arena. A very good healthcare blog where you can follow Healthcare and ACA issues can be found here. Below, and in the associated sub-categories, you can follow the arguments on both sides.

Science reveals that showing gratitude makes us happier

from Aleteia,

There are so many benefits of being thankful and this is a good time to recommit to the practice.

When everyone sits down to celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow, if they have a true feeling of gratitude, they’ll actually be doing themselves a favor, according to studies reported in the Daily Health Post. As scientists have discovered, the very act of feeling grateful is beneficial for our health. One study, led by psychologists Dr. Robert Emmons of the University of California at Davis and Dr. Michael McCullough of the University of Miami, relied on feedback from three groups of people on the physical effects of practicing gratitude. What they learned is that the brain responds to genuine feelings of gratitude. So when you’re telling your kids to say “thank you and mean it,” you’re doing them a favor. 

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